News 2022



8000 people will be living in the biggest building site of lower saxony after its finalization.

The local newspaper HAZ honored this project by releasing a report with its focus on the positive experiences of the first tenants. Furthermore, the author portrays the architecture of the various residential buildings both in general and in its detail designs. We especially appreciate the lauding reference to a combination of balconies and noise protection wall, designed by our team.

→ read the report  
→ see the project  

Image on left side (c)Tim Schaarschmidt/HAZ




celebration / press

more info coming soon!

→ Theo Gerlach Wohnungsbau GmbH
→ shortlist pictures and visualization by HAZ



celebration / press

More info coming soon...

→ Forums Kirche und Diakonie in Göttingen
→ Pre-report HNA
→ report Göttinger Tageblatt
→ Mention in radioshow Stadtradio Göttingen.

Foto on left side © Bernd Schlegel



media report

We appreciate the publication of a report by the local newspaper HAZ concerning our housing project in Hanover, district Oberricklingen.

The project will be realised in cooperation with Wohnungsgenossenschaft Spar- und Bauverein. Two new rows of buildings with 50 units will be built. They will replace houses from the 50s which are not anymore occupied and will be demolished in the ner future, because they are not contemporary any more. The project will be developed with a high focus on creating affordable living space and is supposed to be finished by the end of 2025.

Link to online article press here!




8 gute Gründe...

...Warum Wettbewerbe? (engl.: 8 good reasons - why competitions?). By using this title the architectural associacion of lower saxony releases a new brochure which shows successful examples that took its roots in a competition. We are happy that our project Förderzentrum Bult was chosen to be part of this lecture





We are happy to anounce the receipt of an award, given to us by Competitionline! The Online-Platform releases a specific ranking for architects every year. This ranking is made by regarding the hand-ins and results of cmpetitions. For the year of 2021 year we made it to rank 22!

See the whole ranking here!